Composer Tables
(too old to reply)
2011-06-03 02:46:51 UTC
I use composer when I want to make clean printouts of articles and reports without all the spammagarbage. (for editing out all the Iframes, divs, flash ads and other weird crapola leaving vast blank spots etc.before printing. Wastes ink and paper)

Composer works beautifully for this purpose but, I have come across an issue with the tables tab. Tables will align to the right ok, but when I choose align to the left the text will not wrap as it does to the right. I noticed that in the source it leaves align="right" when I choose align right, but for left the there is no align="left" tag, which I then insert manually then the text will wrap around the table as it should. Is this an oversight in the code? can any of you Mozilla gurus fix for the next update? Netscape composer has the very same issue. It would save a lot of eyestrain and hunting for an old geezer like me if the left would automatically insert the align tag as it does for the right. Please!???

Ralph Fox
2011-06-03 09:00:06 UTC
Post by `ChewY`
I use composer when I want to make clean printouts of articles and
reports without all the spammagarbage. (for editing out all the
Iframes, divs, flash ads and other weird crapola leaving vast blank
spots etc.before printing. Wastes ink and paper)
Composer works beautifully for this purpose but, I have come across
an issue with the tables tab. Tables will align to the right ok, but
when I choose align to the left the text will not wrap as it does to
the right. I noticed that in the source it leaves align="right" when
I choose align right, but for left the there is no align="left" tag,
which I then insert manually then the text will wrap around the
table as it should. Is this an oversight in the code? can any of you
Mozilla gurus fix for the next update? Netscape composer has the
very same issue. It would save a lot of eyestrain and hunting for an
old geezer like me if the left would automatically insert the align
tag as it does for the right. Please!???
Hi, Chew

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