Connection problem!
(too old to reply)
2014-07-30 06:55:11 UTC
Does anyone else have difficulty in reaching SeaMonkey?

Is so, any idea why?

This is what *I* get .......

Address Not Found

www.seamonkey-project.org could not be found. Please check the name and
try again.
2014-07-30 07:37:28 UTC
Post by ~BD~
Does anyone else have difficulty in reaching SeaMonkey?
Is so, any idea why?
This is what *I* get .......
Address Not Found
www.seamonkey-project.org could not be found. Please check the name and
try again.
Conected to http://www.seamonkey-project.org no problem
2014-07-30 07:42:28 UTC
Post by Wibble
Post by ~BD~
Does anyone else have difficulty in reaching SeaMonkey?
Is so, any idea why?
This is what *I* get .......
Address Not Found
www.seamonkey-project.org could not be found. Please check the name and
try again.
Conected to http://www.seamonkey-project.org no problem
Thank you so much, 'Wibble'!

Gremlins at work here, but I'll beat them in due course! ;-)

Have a great day!
2014-07-30 11:32:32 UTC
Post by ~BD~
Does anyone else have difficulty in reaching SeaMonkey?
Is so, any idea why?
This is what *I* get .......
Address Not Found
www.seamonkey-project.org could not be found. Please check the name and try
no problems here connected just fine. Maybe cleaning the cache????

Can vegetarians eat animal crackers?
2014-07-30 14:41:05 UTC
Post by ~BD~
Does anyone else have difficulty in reaching SeaMonkey?
Is so, any idea why?
This is what *I* get .......
Address Not Found
www.seamonkey-project.org could not be found. Please check the name and
try again.
No problems using FF ESR
Run Spyware Terminator or similar.

Here's a handy little MS program to run if you can't connect to the
internet at all, it's a MS "Fixit" program
or microsoftfixit40267.msi

They work thru Windows 7. In case you can't find them, I can send them
privately if anyone wants.
Denis Beauregard
2014-07-30 15:44:15 UTC
Post by al
Here's a handy little MS program to run if you can't connect to the
internet at all, it's a MS "Fixit" program
Funny... If he can't connect to the net, then he can't get the
cure :-)

Denis Beauregard - généalogiste émérite (FQSG)
Les Français d'Amérique du Nord - www.francogene.com/genealogie--quebec/
French in North America before 1722 - www.francogene.com/quebec--genealogy/
Sur cédérom à 1785 - On CD-ROM to 1785
2014-07-30 17:51:12 UTC
Post by al
Post by ~BD~
Does anyone else have difficulty in reaching SeaMonkey?
Is so, any idea why?
This is what *I* get .......
Address Not Found
www.seamonkey-project.org could not be found. Please check the name and
try again.
No problems using FF ESR
Run Spyware Terminator or similar.
Thanks 'al'!

I'm good now! :-) (as you can see from my header info.)
Post by al
Here's a handy little MS program to run if you can't connect to the
internet at all, it's a MS "Fixit" program
or microsoftfixit40267.msi
I've used "Fixit" on my desktop computer at home. I found it worked
well! Thanks for mentioning it!
Post by al
They work thru Windows 7. In case you can't find them, I can send them
privately if anyone wants.
Robert Kaiser
2014-08-12 20:56:39 UTC
Post by ~BD~
Does anyone else have difficulty in reaching SeaMonkey?
Is so, any idea why?
This is what *I* get .......
Address Not Found
www.seamonkey-project.org could not be found. Please check the name and
try again.
This was a DNS problem, the full summary is posted in


