SeaMonkey 2.0.14 Security Update
(too old to reply)
2011-04-29 02:28:02 UTC
As part of Mozilla's ongoing stability and security update process,
SeaMonkey 2.0.14 is now available for Windows, Mac, and Linux as a free
download from www.seamonkey-project.org.

We strongly recommend that all SeaMonkey and old suite users upgrade to
this latest release. If you already have SeaMonkey 2.0, you will receive
an automated update notification within 24 to 48 hours. This update can
also be applied manually by selecting "Check for Updates..." from the
Help menu.

For a list of changes and more information, please review the SeaMonkey
2.0.14 Release Notes.

Note: All users of the outdated SeaMonkey 1.x, Mozilla or Netscape
suites are encouraged to upgrade to SeaMonkey 2.0 by downloading it from

Full news article:

Downloads for all available platforms and languages:

Release notes:

System Requirements:
Marc Stager
2011-05-04 00:25:50 UTC
Post by Edmund
As part of Mozilla's ongoing stability and security update process,
SeaMonkey 2.0.14 is now available for Windows, Mac, and Linux as a free
download from www.seamonkey-project.org.
We strongly recommend that all SeaMonkey and old suite users upgrade to
this latest release. If you already have SeaMonkey 2.0, you will receive
an automated update notification within 24 to 48 hours. This update can
also be applied manually by selecting "Check for Updates..." from the
Help menu.
I'm currently using Seamonkey 1.1.18 and it seems to work fine with on;y
a few exceptions. Using Java 1.2, no problem with Java sites.

The password manager and forms manager, which fill in the relevant
fields automatically, work seamlessly. The Preferences bar is extremely
I use an add-on to be able to view and edit pages in a text editor and
Composer is great for simple HTML touch-ups if I want to download a page.

I'd gladly go to V2.0.14 if I were to keep ALL these features.

Have any of these been changed?
If so, how?


Justin Wood (Callek)
2011-05-04 00:57:17 UTC
Post by Marc Stager
Post by Edmund
As part of Mozilla's ongoing stability and security update process,
SeaMonkey 2.0.14 is now available for Windows, Mac, and Linux as a free
download from www.seamonkey-project.org.
We strongly recommend that all SeaMonkey and old suite users upgrade to
this latest release. If you already have SeaMonkey 2.0, you will receive
an automated update notification within 24 to 48 hours. This update can
also be applied manually by selecting "Check for Updates..." from the
Help menu.
I'm currently using Seamonkey 1.1.18 and it seems to work fine with on;y
a few exceptions. Using Java 1.2, no problem with Java sites.
The password manager and forms manager, which fill in the relevant
fields automatically, work seamlessly. The Preferences bar is extremely
I use an add-on to be able to view and edit pages in a text editor and
Composer is great for simple HTML touch-ups if I want to download a page.
I'd gladly go to V2.0.14 if I were to keep ALL these features.
Have any of these been changed?
If so, how?
A lot has changed since SeaMonkey 1.1.x. But the core functionality and
user choice has not. The way the forms/passwords are working will take
some slight getting used to, as it is different than 1.1.x

The largest reason to upgrade is that you are no longer secure. Your
browser version (and MAIL portion as well) are operating with numerous
security flaws, that are in the wild, and public. Browsing the web with
that old browser is a danger to yourself, and the web as a whole. Please
upgrade, if not to a newer SeaMonkey, then to another --current-- web

(I have preference toward you upgrading to SeaMonkey, but frankly,
anything current is better than a piece of software with many known
security flaws).
~Justin Wood (Callek)