Future of seamonkey: support newsgroups
(too old to reply)
Nuno Silva
2018-09-11 23:06:06 UTC
It seems Seamonkey is moving away from Mozilla infrastructure.

Does anybody know if there will be changes regarding the current support
newsgroups at news.mozilla.org?

(This newsgroup (netscape.public.mozilla.seamonkey) is not controlled in
any way by mozilla, is it?)
Nuno Silva
2018-09-12 03:52:14 UTC
Post by Nuno Silva
It seems Seamonkey is moving away from Mozilla infrastructure.
Does anybody know if there will be changes regarding the current support
newsgroups at news.mozilla.org?
(This newsgroup (netscape.public.mozilla.seamonkey) is not controlled in
any way by mozilla, is it?)
This excellent question would had been better to asked in active
mozilla.support.seamonkey newsgroup, so I crossposted it.
Never forget (9/11)!
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( )
2021-04-20 08:36:20 UTC
Post by Nuno Silva
It seems Seamonkey is moving away from Mozilla infrastructure.
Does anybody know if there will be changes regarding the current support
newsgroups at news.mozilla.org?
Gee Whiz, Nuno, were you about three years ahead of the rest of us??
Post by Nuno Silva
(This newsgroup (netscape.public.mozilla.seamonkey) is not controlled in
any way by mozilla, is it?)
The groups do, apparently, appear on the Mozilla Server so, to that
effect, if Mozilla does shut down the Server then yes, those groups will
go away .... but, as the groups are, more or less, reflected on UseNet,
those groups will not go away!!

At least as far as I understand things!!

User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101
SeaMonkey/2.53.6 Build identifier: 20210117210643

User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101
SeaMonkey/2.53.6 Build identifier: 20210118013008
2021-04-20 20:00:49 UTC
Post by Daniel
Post by Nuno Silva
It seems Seamonkey is moving away from Mozilla infrastructure.
Does anybody know if there will be changes regarding the current support
newsgroups at news.mozilla.org?
Gee Whiz, Nuno, were you about three years ahead of the rest of us??
He's a time traveller. ;)
Post by Daniel
Post by Nuno Silva
(This newsgroup (netscape.public.mozilla.seamonkey) is not controlled in
any way by mozilla, is it?)
The groups do, apparently, appear on the Mozilla Server so, to that
effect, if Mozilla does shut down the Server then yes, those groups will
go away .... but, as the groups are, more or less, reflected on UseNet,
those groups will not go away!!
At least as far as I understand things!!
Long live netscape.public.mozilla.seamonkey! We will never forget
Netscape too. :P
Injected Moderna shot #2 is slamming the old body hard with pains,
fevers (up to 102F degrees), tiredness, etc. :(
Note: A fixed width font (Courier, Monospace, etc.) is required to see
this signature correctly.
/\___/\ http://aqfl.net & http://antfarm.home.dhs.org
/ /\ /\ \
| |o o| | Axe ANT from its address if shown & e-mailing privately.
\ _ / Please kindly use Ant nickname & URL/link if crediting.
( )
Don Spam's Reckless Son
2021-04-20 10:00:38 UTC
Post by Nuno Silva
It seems Seamonkey is moving away from Mozilla infrastructure.
Does anybody know if there will be changes regarding the current support
newsgroups at news.mozilla.org?
(This newsgroup (netscape.public.mozilla.seamonkey) is not controlled in
any way by mozilla, is it?)
You are correct in that assertion, this particular newsgroup is
considered to be "safe". As for the mozilla.* groups, those who seem to
know what they are talking about - frg and Chris Ilias for example - are
saying they will die with the server.
spammo ergo sum, viruses courtesy of https://www.nsa.gov/malware/
2021-05-05 09:50:02 UTC
Post by Don Spam's Reckless Son
You are correct in that assertion, this particular newsgroup is
considered to be "safe". As for the mozilla.* groups, those who seem to
know what they are talking about - frg and Chris Ilias for example - are
saying they will die with the server.
I have mozilla.* on my server.

By example (NewsPortal view of a group) :

But it is not present on all usenet servers...
2021-05-05 13:21:04 UTC
Post by yamo'
Post by Don Spam's Reckless Son
You are correct in that assertion, this particular newsgroup is
considered to be "safe". As for the mozilla.* groups, those who seem to
know what they are talking about - frg and Chris Ilias for example - are
saying they will die with the server.
I have mozilla.* on my server.
But it is not present on all usenet servers...
And, Stephane, have you tried posting to that group on a UseNet server??

As I understand it, the m.s.seamonkey (and similar FF and TB groups) is
a Write-Only version of the group on the news.mozilla.org Server .....
so you can read what has been posted to the group on the
news.mozilla.org server, but you cannot post to the m.s.seaport group on

"As I understand it!!"

User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101
SeaMonkey/2.53.6 Build identifier: 20210117210643

User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101
SeaMonkey/2.53.6 Build identifier: 20210118013008
David H Durgee
2021-05-05 13:42:50 UTC
Post by Daniel
Post by yamo'
Post by Don Spam's Reckless Son
You are correct in that assertion, this particular newsgroup is
considered to be "safe".  As for the mozilla.* groups, those who seem to
know what they are talking about - frg and Chris Ilias for example - are
saying they will die with the server.
I have mozilla.* on my server.
But it is not present on all usenet servers...
And, Stephane, have you tried posting to that group on a UseNet server??
As I understand it, the m.s.seamonkey (and similar FF and TB groups) is
a Write-Only version of the group on the news.mozilla.org Server .....
so you can read what has been posted to the group on the
news.mozilla.org server, but you cannot post to the m.s.seaport group on
"As I understand it!!"
Let's test that assumption. I am posting via news.individual.net, so
let's see if this shows up.

2021-05-05 14:08:23 UTC
Post by David H Durgee
Let's test that assumption. I am posting via news.individual.net, so
let's see if this shows up.
I don't have direct feed from individual (I can ask one).
If servers between mine and individual drops my post it won't go to
individual server.
It's the same in the way individual->usenet->myserver
(Look at the Path header).

I receive all mozilla.* posts from neva.ru which have a direct feed from

I have a trouble with neva.ru ; I will ask to his newsmaster to fix the
feed in the other direction (I receive but after my ip change in
December I cannot send...).

And there is other things that may bug :
(If my ISP is working...).
2021-05-06 08:16:50 UTC
Post by Daniel
Post by yamo'
Post by Don Spam's Reckless Son
You are correct in that assertion, this particular newsgroup is
considered to be "safe".  As for the mozilla.* groups, those who seem to
know what they are talking about - frg and Chris Ilias for example - are
saying they will die with the server.
I have mozilla.* on my server.
But it is not present on all usenet servers...
And, Stephane, have you tried posting to that group on a UseNet server??
As I understand it, the m.s.seamonkey (and similar FF and TB groups)
is a Write-Only version of the group on the news.mozilla.org Server
..... so you can read what has been posted to the group on the
news.mozilla.org server, but you cannot post to the m.s.seaport group
on UseNet.
"As I understand it!!"
Let's test that assumption.  I am posting via news.individual.net, so
let's see if this shows up.
Yes, but this was not posted to m.s.seamonkey on your
news.individual.net news server was it, David?? ;-(
David H Durgee
2021-05-06 11:55:54 UTC
Post by Daniel65
Post by Daniel
Post by yamo'
Post by Don Spam's Reckless Son
You are correct in that assertion, this particular newsgroup is
considered to be "safe".  As for the mozilla.* groups, those who seem to
know what they are talking about - frg and Chris Ilias for example - are
saying they will die with the server.
I have mozilla.* on my server.
But it is not present on all usenet servers...
And, Stephane, have you tried posting to that group on a UseNet server??
As I understand it, the m.s.seamonkey (and similar FF and TB groups)
is a Write-Only version of the group on the news.mozilla.org Server
..... so you can read what has been posted to the group on the
news.mozilla.org server, but you cannot post to the m.s.seaport group
on UseNet.
"As I understand it!!"
Let's test that assumption.  I am posting via news.individual.net, so
let's see if this shows up.
Yes, but this was not posted to m.s.seamonkey on your
news.individual.net news server was it, David?? ;-(
Yes, I posted it to m.s.seamonkey on news.individual.net and it appears
to have propagated over USENET so that you could respond to it and I am
likewise responding to you via the same route.

So it appears as if this group is functioning normally at least for now.

2021-05-07 09:15:32 UTC
Post by David H Durgee
Post by Daniel65
Post by Daniel
Post by yamo'
Post by Don Spam's Reckless Son
You are correct in that assertion, this particular newsgroup is
considered to be "safe".  As for the mozilla.* groups, those who seem to
know what they are talking about - frg and Chris Ilias for example - are
saying they will die with the server.
I have mozilla.* on my server.
But it is not present on all usenet servers...
And, Stephane, have you tried posting to that group on a UseNet server??
As I understand it, the m.s.seamonkey (and similar FF and TB groups)
is a Write-Only version of the group on the news.mozilla.org Server
..... so you can read what has been posted to the group on the
news.mozilla.org server, but you cannot post to the m.s.seaport
group on UseNet.
"As I understand it!!"
Let's test that assumption.  I am posting via news.individual.net, so
let's see if this shows up.
Yes, but this was not posted to m.s.seamonkey on your
news.individual.net news server was it, David?? ;-(
Yes, I posted it to m.s.seamonkey on news.individual.net and it appears
to have propagated over USENET so that you could respond to it and I am
likewise responding to you via the same route.
So it appears as if this group is functioning normally at least for now.
But this group is not the group under discussion.

This post of mine (and yours, too, I think) was to n.p.m.seamonkey (not
m.s.seamonkey), which is a two-way group on UseNet AND on news.mozilla.org.

However m.s.seamonkey is a one way thing, i.e. you can ONLY READ it on
UseNet but you can POST and READ to it on the news.mozilla.org server.

At least for now and as far as I know!

User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101
SeaMonkey/2.53.6 Build identifier: 20210117210643

User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101
SeaMonkey/2.53.6 Build identifier: 20210118013008
David H Durgee
2021-05-07 20:08:00 UTC
Post by Daniel
Post by David H Durgee
Post by Daniel65
Post by Daniel
Post by yamo'
Post by Don Spam's Reckless Son
You are correct in that assertion, this particular newsgroup is
considered to be "safe".  As for the mozilla.* groups, those who seem to
know what they are talking about - frg and Chris Ilias for example - are
saying they will die with the server.
I have mozilla.* on my server.
But it is not present on all usenet servers...
And, Stephane, have you tried posting to that group on a UseNet server??
As I understand it, the m.s.seamonkey (and similar FF and TB
groups) is a Write-Only version of the group on the
news.mozilla.org Server ..... so you can read what has been posted
to the group on the news.mozilla.org server, but you cannot post to
the m.s.seaport group on UseNet.
"As I understand it!!"
Let's test that assumption.  I am posting via news.individual.net,
so let's see if this shows up.
Yes, but this was not posted to m.s.seamonkey on your
news.individual.net news server was it, David?? ;-(
Yes, I posted it to m.s.seamonkey on news.individual.net and it
appears to have propagated over USENET so that you could respond to it
and I am likewise responding to you via the same route.
So it appears as if this group is functioning normally at least for now.
But this group is not the group under discussion.
This post of mine (and yours, too, I think) was to n.p.m.seamonkey (not
m.s.seamonkey), which is a two-way group on UseNet AND on news.mozilla.org.
However m.s.seamonkey is a one way thing, i.e. you can ONLY READ it on
UseNet but you can POST and READ to it on the news.mozilla.org server.
At least for now and as far as I know!
You are correct, I am posting to n.p.m.seamonkey on this thread. So I
guess this thread is cross-posted to m.s.seamonkey in some manner?

This does suggest that assuming m.s.seamonkey goes away that posting to
n.p.m.seamonkey or a.c.s.seamonkey should serve for many of us.

2021-05-08 09:44:52 UTC
Post by Daniel
Post by David H Durgee
Post by Daniel65
Post by Daniel
Post by yamo'
Post by Don Spam's Reckless Son
You are correct in that assertion, this particular newsgroup is
considered to be "safe".  As for the mozilla.* groups, those who seem to
know what they are talking about - frg and Chris Ilias for example - are
saying they will die with the server.
I have mozilla.* on my server.
But it is not present on all usenet servers...
And, Stephane, have you tried posting to that group on a UseNet server??
As I understand it, the m.s.seamonkey (and similar FF and TB
groups) is a Write-Only version of the group on the
news.mozilla.org Server ..... so you can read what has been posted
to the group on the news.mozilla.org server, but you cannot post
to the m.s.seaport group on UseNet.
"As I understand it!!"
Let's test that assumption.  I am posting via news.individual.net,
so let's see if this shows up.
Yes, but this was not posted to m.s.seamonkey on your
news.individual.net news server was it, David?? ;-(
Yes, I posted it to m.s.seamonkey on news.individual.net and it
appears to have propagated over USENET so that you could respond to
it and I am likewise responding to you via the same route.
So it appears as if this group is functioning normally at least for now.
But this group is not the group under discussion.
This post of mine (and yours, too, I think) was to n.p.m.seamonkey
(not m.s.seamonkey), which is a two-way group on UseNet AND on
However m.s.seamonkey is a one way thing, i.e. you can ONLY READ it on
UseNet but you can POST and READ to it on the news.mozilla.org server.
At least for now and as far as I know!
You are correct, I am posting to n.p.m.seamonkey on this thread.  So I
guess this thread is cross-posted to m.s.seamonkey in some manner?
This does suggest that assuming m.s.seamonkey goes away that posting to
n.p.m.seamonkey or a.c.s.seamonkey should serve for many of us.

User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101
SeaMonkey/2.53.6 Build identifier: 20210117210643

User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101
SeaMonkey/2.53.6 Build identifier: 20210118013008
2021-05-08 11:53:38 UTC
Post by Daniel
Post by Daniel
Post by David H Durgee
Post by Daniel65
Post by Daniel
Post by yamo'
Post by Don Spam's Reckless Son
You are correct in that assertion, this particular newsgroup is
considered to be "safe".  As for the mozilla.* groups, those who seem to
know what they are talking about - frg and Chris Ilias for example - are
saying they will die with the server.
I have mozilla.* on my server.
But it is not present on all usenet servers...
And, Stephane, have you tried posting to that group on a UseNet server??
As I understand it, the m.s.seamonkey (and similar FF and TB
groups) is a Write-Only version of the group on the
news.mozilla.org Server ..... so you can read what has been
posted to the group on the news.mozilla.org server, but you
cannot post to the m.s.seaport group on UseNet.
"As I understand it!!"
Let's test that assumption.  I am posting via
news.individual.net, so let's see if this shows up.
Yes, but this was not posted to m.s.seamonkey on your
news.individual.net news server was it, David?? ;-(
Yes, I posted it to m.s.seamonkey on news.individual.net and it
appears to have propagated over USENET so that you could respond
to it and I am likewise responding to you via the same route.
So it appears as if this group is functioning normally at least for now.
But this group is not the group under discussion.
This post of mine (and yours, too, I think) was to n.p.m.seamonkey
(not m.s.seamonkey), which is a two-way group on UseNet AND on
However m.s.seamonkey is a one way thing, i.e. you can ONLY READ it
on UseNet but you can POST and READ to it on the news.mozilla.org
At least for now and as far as I know!
You are correct, I am posting to n.p.m.seamonkey on this thread.  So
I guess this thread is cross-posted to m.s.seamonkey in some manner?
This does suggest that assuming m.s.seamonkey goes away that posting
to n.p.m.seamonkey or a.c.s.seamonkey should serve for many of us.
Is it? I don't see any cross posting.
2021-05-09 08:44:23 UTC
Post by Richmond
Post by Daniel
Post by Daniel
Post by David H Durgee
Post by Daniel65
Post by Daniel
Post by yamo'
Post by Don Spam's Reckless Son
You are correct in that assertion, this particular newsgroup is
considered to be "safe".  As for the mozilla.* groups, those who seem to
know what they are talking about - frg and Chris Ilias for example - are
saying they will die with the server.
I have mozilla.* on my server.
But it is not present on all usenet servers...
And, Stephane, have you tried posting to that group on a UseNet server??
As I understand it, the m.s.seamonkey (and similar FF and TB
groups) is a Write-Only version of the group on the
news.mozilla.org Server ..... so you can read what has been
posted to the group on the news.mozilla.org server, but you
cannot post to the m.s.seaport group on UseNet.
"As I understand it!!"
Let's test that assumption.  I am posting via
news.individual.net, so let's see if this shows up.
Yes, but this was not posted to m.s.seamonkey on your
news.individual.net news server was it, David?? ;-(
Yes, I posted it to m.s.seamonkey on news.individual.net and it
appears to have propagated over USENET so that you could respond
to it and I am likewise responding to you via the same route.
So it appears as if this group is functioning normally at least for now.
But this group is not the group under discussion.
This post of mine (and yours, too, I think) was to n.p.m.seamonkey
(not m.s.seamonkey), which is a two-way group on UseNet AND on
However m.s.seamonkey is a one way thing, i.e. you can ONLY READ it
on UseNet but you can POST and READ to it on the news.mozilla.org
At least for now and as far as I know!
You are correct, I am posting to n.p.m.seamonkey on this thread.  So
I guess this thread is cross-posted to m.s.seamonkey in some manner?
This does suggest that assuming m.s.seamonkey goes away that posting
to n.p.m.seamonkey or a.c.s.seamonkey should serve for many of us.
Is it? I don't see any cross posting.
Sorry, Richmond! You are correct, David thought he was cross-posting,
but he wasn't. It was just that this group, n.p.m.seamonkey, appears on
both the news.mozilla.org server *AND* various UseNet servers whereas
the m.s.seamonkey news group *only* appears on the news.moz.org server!

My "Correct" was in regard to David's second para about after
m.s.seamonkey closes, the other two UseNet newsgroups might, at least in
part, fill the hole left.

User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101
SeaMonkey/2.53.6 Build identifier: 20210117210643

User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101
SeaMonkey/2.53.6 Build identifier: 20210118013008
Don Spam's Reckless Son
2021-05-05 14:23:08 UTC
Post by Daniel
Post by yamo'
Post by Don Spam's Reckless Son
You are correct in that assertion, this particular newsgroup is
considered to be "safe".  As for the mozilla.* groups, those who seem to
know what they are talking about - frg and Chris Ilias for example - are
saying they will die with the server.
I have mozilla.* on my server.
But it is not present on all usenet servers...
And, Stephane, have you tried posting to that group on a UseNet server??
As I understand it, the m.s.seamonkey (and similar FF and TB groups) is
a Write-Only version of the group on the news.mozilla.org Server .....
so you can read what has been posted to the group on the
news.mozilla.org server, but you cannot post to the m.s.seaport group on
"As I understand it!!"
I have written this several times already, but here goes:

Most of the groups you see on the Mozilla News server are read-only if
you access them via other News servers, these are the groups which will
presumably vanish when the server is decomissioned.

This does not apply to the Netscape.* groups *such as this one*, they
are writeable from other servers and will presumably live on after this
server dies.
spammo ergo sum, viruses courtesy of https://www.nsa.gov/malware/
2021-05-05 14:45:10 UTC
Post by Don Spam's Reckless Son
This does not apply to the Netscape.* groups *such as this one*, they
are writeable from other servers and will presumably live on after this
server dies.
I asked to the newsmaster of neva.ru to open mozilla.*
It is a very big server**. It may be an alternative to google and
mozilla.org (hosted by giganews).

If some servers did that mozilla.* won't totally die...
You can ask to your newsmaster which mail is often ***@domain or
in headers from your posts***.

** in the top ten for years on <http://top1000.anthologeek.net/>
** Seen with Ctrl u
Don Spam's Reckless Son
2021-05-05 14:54:41 UTC
Post by yamo'
Post by Don Spam's Reckless Son
This does not apply to the Netscape.* groups *such as this one*, they
are writeable from other servers and will presumably live on after this
server dies.
I asked to the newsmaster of neva.ru to open mozilla.*
It is a very big server**. It may be an alternative to google and
mozilla.org (hosted by giganews).
If some servers did that mozilla.* won't totally die...
in headers from your posts***.
** in the top ten for years on <http://top1000.anthologeek.net/>
** Seen with Ctrl u
I don't think that is going to work, the mozilla.* groups "belong to"
Mozilla and the most neva.ru can do is offer you read-only access to
them. It is not worth it.
spammo ergo sum, viruses courtesy of https://www.nsa.gov/malware/
2021-05-05 15:11:41 UTC
Post by Don Spam's Reckless Son
I don't think that is going to work, the mozilla.* groups "belong to"
Mozilla and the most neva.ru can do is offer you read-only access to
them. It is not worth it.
usenet is an anarchy, nobody paid any hierarchies. It is only working
because servers exchange posts each others.

But if google reject posts from outside there will never be on the
spammed googlegroups.

2021-05-06 08:01:19 UTC
Post by Don Spam's Reckless Son
Post by Daniel
Post by yamo'
Post by Don Spam's Reckless Son
You are correct in that assertion, this particular newsgroup is
considered to be "safe".  As for the mozilla.* groups, those who seem to
know what they are talking about - frg and Chris Ilias for example - are
saying they will die with the server.
I have mozilla.* on my server.
But it is not present on all usenet servers...
And, Stephane, have you tried posting to that group on a UseNet server??
As I understand it, the m.s.seamonkey (and similar FF and TB groups)
is a Write-Only version of the group on the news.mozilla.org Server
..... so you can read what has been posted to the group on the
news.mozilla.org server, but you cannot post to the m.s.seaport group
on UseNet.
"As I understand it!!"
Most of the groups you see on the Mozilla News server are read-only if
you access them via other News servers, these are the groups which will
presumably vanish when the server is decomissioned.
Yeap! This is what I meant by my reply!! The mozilla.support groups are
two way groups (i.e. you can read from them *AND* post to them) on the
news.mozilla.org server but are READ ONLY on some UseNet servers.
Post by Don Spam's Reckless Son
This does not apply to the Netscape.* groups *such as this one*, they
are writeable from other servers and will presumably live on after this
server dies.

User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101
SeaMonkey/2.53.6 Build identifier: 20210117210643

User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101
SeaMonkey/2.53.6 Build identifier: 20210118013008