Bug in Seamonkey 2.48
(too old to reply)
2017-08-19 03:48:42 UTC
Ubuntu mate recently updated Seamonkey 2.46 -> 2.48.

When I play a video on YouTube and then go back, the video does not stop.

I have to hit reload to stop it ??
John Duncan
2017-09-19 04:44:44 UTC
Post by Andy
Ubuntu mate recently updated Seamonkey 2.46 -> 2.48.
When I play a video on YouTube and then go back, the video does not stop.
I have to hit reload to stop it ??
This has happened to me a couple of times recently.

I think it has something to do with caching/HTML5.

I will try to see if this has been fixed in the latest nightly build and
report back.
