why won't SM2 auto fill passwords ?
(too old to reply)
2009-12-19 17:04:05 UTC
I am really getting tired of SM2.
It won't autofill my passwords or ask if I want to save them like SM1 did.
All of the passwords are there in password manager, every password site I go
to I have to enter them in myself - And yes, I have "remember passwords"
checked in prefs.

If this keeps up I am uninstalling this thing and going back to SM1, I
thought the purpose of new releases was to make things better, not worse.
2009-12-19 19:49:54 UTC
Post by Holly
I am really getting tired of SM2.
It won't autofill my passwords or ask if I want to save them like SM1 did.
All of the passwords are there in password manager, every password site I go
to I have to enter them in myself - And yes, I have "remember passwords"
checked in prefs.
If this keeps up I am uninstalling this thing and going back to SM1, I
thought the purpose of new releases was to make things better, not worse.
I think that it is a security feature that you have to at least enter
the first character of your user name, that is the way my seamonkey is
works passwords. Also make sure that in about "about:config" that
"signon.autofillForms" is "true"


Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo
2009-12-19 22:33:27 UTC
Post by Eric
Post by Holly
I am really getting tired of SM2.
It won't autofill my passwords or ask if I want to save them like SM1 did.
All of the passwords are there in password manager, every password site I go
to I have to enter them in myself - And yes, I have "remember passwords"
checked in prefs.
If this keeps up I am uninstalling this thing and going back to SM1, I
thought the purpose of new releases was to make things better, not worse.
I think that it is a security feature that you have to at least enter
the first character of your user name, that is the way my seamonkey is
works passwords. Also make sure that in about "about:config" that
"signon.autofillForms" is "true"
no, you don't have to enter the first character. You
double click on the far right of the box, and it should
popup. Or, click once, then hit the down arrow.
*IMPORTANT*: Sorry folks, but I cannot provide email

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Peter Potamus & His Magic Flying Balloon:
2009-12-19 23:06:32 UTC
Post by Eric
Post by Holly
I am really getting tired of SM2.
It won't autofill my passwords or ask if I want to save them like SM1 did.
All of the passwords are there in password manager, every password site I go
to I have to enter them in myself - And yes, I have "remember passwords"
checked in prefs.
If this keeps up I am uninstalling this thing and going back to SM1, I
thought the purpose of new releases was to make things better, not worse.
I think that it is a security feature that you have to at least enter
the first character of your user name, that is the way my seamonkey is
works passwords. Also make sure that in about "about:config" that
"signon.autofillForms" is "true"
no, you don't have to enter the first character. You double click on the
far right of the box, and it should popup. Or, click once, then hit the
down arrow.
Sorry Peter, not on mine, if I click anywhere in the username field, I
have to at least enter the first character of the username before the
options described appear.

Robert Baer
2012-03-07 20:38:25 UTC
Post by Eric
Post by Eric
Post by Holly
I am really getting tired of SM2.
It won't autofill my passwords or ask if I want to save them like SM1 did.
All of the passwords are there in password manager, every password site I go
to I have to enter them in myself - And yes, I have "remember passwords"
checked in prefs.
If this keeps up I am uninstalling this thing and going back to SM1, I
thought the purpose of new releases was to make things better, not worse.
I think that it is a security feature that you have to at least enter
the first character of your user name, that is the way my seamonkey is
works passwords. Also make sure that in about "about:config" that
"signon.autofillForms" is "true"
no, you don't have to enter the first character. You double click on the
far right of the box, and it should popup. Or, click once, then hit the
down arrow.
Sorry Peter, not on mine, if I click anywhere in the username field, I
have to at least enter the first character of the username before the
options described appear.
In mine,it has varied; one time full username filled in, another time
needed first character like you saw, and yet another time i had to put
in full username with NO prompting or help.
Only thing consistent so far,is that the password is filled in.
