upgrade 1.1.14 to 2.0.11
(too old to reply)
Guy Gorton
2011-02-09 13:48:28 UTC
I have been running 1.1.14 for quite a while, using it mainly for
WYSWYG webpage creation. Generally get on with it OK but wondered if
a new version would solve some of the prblems I have met.
But when I download and install 2.0.11, despite clearing away 1.1.14,
I seem to still have 1.1.14, not 2.0.11.
SeaScape Help quotes version as 1.1.14. Starting the program leads
directly to the file I was previously working on.
What am I doing wrong?

Guy Gorton
2011-02-20 10:05:16 UTC
Post by Guy Gorton
I seem to still have
1.1.14, not 2.0.11. SeaScape Help quotes version as 1.1.14. Starting
the program leads directly to the file I was previously working on. What
am I doing wrong?
I don't know but you should post on mozilla.support.seamonkey
Stéphane <http://pasdenom.info/fortune/?lang=en>
2011-02-20 10:08:38 UTC
Post by Guy Gorton
SeaScape Help quotes version as 1.1.14. Starting
the program leads directly to the file I was previously working on. What
am I doing wrong?
Guy Gorton
I don't know but you should post on mozilla.support.seamonkey to have
more responses!
Stéphane <http://pasdenom.info/fortune/?lang=en>
Nous n'héritons pas la terre de nos ancêtres, nous l'empruntons à nos
-+- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900-1944) -+-