How to get mails in HTML?
(too old to reply)
Alfred Flaßhaar
2015-11-14 15:26:59 UTC

as a new seamonkey-user I want to know:

What is to do, to get (not to send) incoming mails html-formated?

Regards, Alfred
Ralph Fox
2015-11-15 03:20:01 UTC
Post by Alfred Flaßhaar
What is to do, to get (not to send) incoming mails html-formated?
Regards, Alfred
Select an incoming email message, then use the menu command
View >> Message Body As >> Original HTML

If the email is still not HTML-formatted, then the sender did not send
the email with HTML formatting. You will need to ask the sender to
send email with HTML formatting to you. How you ask the sender will
depend on your relationship with the sender.
Kind regards
Alfred Flaßhaar
2015-11-15 05:58:42 UTC
Post by Ralph Fox
Select an incoming email message, then use the menu command
View >> Message Body As >> Original HTML

Thank You, it goes. This menu-command I have allways never seen.
