How to get back top row with "file", "edit", etc. ?
(too old to reply)
2016-03-19 02:27:53 UTC

My older H-P PC has the S.M. top row with file, edit, view, go
bookmarks, etc..

My new H-P PC has that top row absent. How do I get it to appear? I
tried clicking all those little dappled bar sections, with no success.


Mort Linder
Ralph Fox
2016-03-19 05:09:57 UTC
Post by Mort
My older H-P PC has the S.M. top row with file, edit, view, go
bookmarks, etc..
My new H-P PC has that top row absent. How do I get it to appear? I
tried clicking all those little dappled bar sections, with no success.
1. Press the ALT key and the menu bar (file, edit, view, ... etc.) will
re-appear _temporarily_.

2. To make the menu bar re-appear _permanently_

2.1 Make the menu bar appear temporarily (by pressing ALT)
2.2 While the menu bar is there, use the menu command
View >> Show/Hide >> Menu Bar
to put a check-mark to the left of "Menu Bar".
Kind regards
2016-03-19 18:31:57 UTC
Post by Ralph Fox
Post by Mort
My older H-P PC has the S.M. top row with file, edit, view, go
bookmarks, etc..
My new H-P PC has that top row absent. How do I get it to appear? I
tried clicking all those little dappled bar sections, with no success.
1. Press the ALT key and the menu bar (file, edit, view, ... etc.) will
re-appear _temporarily_.
2. To make the menu bar re-appear _permanently_
2.1 Make the menu bar appear temporarily (by pressing ALT)
2.2 While the menu bar is there, use the menu command
View >> Show/Hide >> Menu Bar
to put a check-mark to the left of "Menu Bar".
Hi Ralph,

Your suggestion worked beautifully. Thank you so much. My internet
search turned up nothing, which I why I turned to this nice newsgroup.


Ralph Fox
2016-03-19 19:49:03 UTC
Post by Mort
Hi Ralph,
Your suggestion worked beautifully. Thank you so much. My internet
search turned up nothing, which I why I turned to this nice newsgroup.
You're welcome.
