No media.navigator.enabled in 2.14?
(too old to reply)
Thee Chicago Wolf [MVP]
2012-10-25 21:10:07 UTC
I happened to notice that setting media.navigator.enabled=true in
2.14b2 doesn't actually enable HTML5 access to the webcam (WebRTC).
Seems to work fine in Fx17. No love for Seamonkey?

- Thee Chicago Wolf [MVP]
Thee Chicago Wolf (MVP)
2012-10-26 12:14:45 UTC
Post by Thee Chicago Wolf [MVP]
I happened to notice that setting media.navigator.enabled=true in
2.14b2 doesn't actually enable HTML5 access to the webcam (WebRTC).
Seems to work fine in Fx17. No love for Seamonkey?
- Thee Chicago Wolf [MVP]
Ignore this message. re-Posted to mozilla.support.seamonkey.
