SeaMonkey 2.3 another massive mistake.
(too old to reply)
2011-08-31 07:08:48 UTC
This is the second time I have updated my SeaMonkey and the second time
I have lost all my bookmarks. Thank heaven I have been able to revert to

I think SeaMonkey us now a completely failed suite. I rejected v2.2 on
the same ground and now v2.3 is no improvement. I am in fear of the
possibility that you people might force me on to Internet Explorer
(sorry about the language).

Sylvain POURRE
2011-09-03 22:36:12 UTC
Post by Dustbin
This is the second time I have updated my SeaMonkey and the second time
I have lost all my bookmarks. Thank heaven I have been able to revert to
I think SeaMonkey us now a completely failed suite. I rejected v2.2 on
the same ground and now v2.3 is no improvement. I am in fear of the
possibility that you people might force me on to Internet Explorer
(sorry about the language).
I fully agree with you.
SM pissed me off. The news reader is very poor and needs a lot of
plugins (for instance: seeking messages with MID, no supersed..).
Each update brings a lot of problems, incompatibilities and loss of
I think I'm going to switch to Firefox + Thunderbird.
2011-09-07 17:54:16 UTC
Post by Sylvain POURRE
Post by Dustbin
This is the second time I have updated my SeaMonkey and the second time
I have lost all my bookmarks. Thank heaven I have been able to revert to
I think SeaMonkey us now a completely failed suite. I rejected v2.2 on
the same ground and now v2.3 is no improvement. I am in fear of the
possibility that you people might force me on to Internet Explorer
(sorry about the language).
I fully agree with you.
SM pissed me off. The news reader is very poor and needs a lot of
plugins (for instance: seeking messages with MID, no supersed..).
Each update brings a lot of problems, incompatibilities and loss of
I think I'm going to switch to Firefox + Thunderbird.
I have been thinking that way but I have been with Mozilla/SeaMonkey
suite for many years and am loath to move away from it.

Today (7th September) I recieved a warning that my 2.0.4 is out of date
and not as secur as it might me. Unfortunately, I won't unpgarde at present.

I note on the ng today there is message saying that 2.4 Beta is
available. Let us see what 2.4 looks like when it is ready for general
release. They have received so much criticism for 2.2 and 2.3 I hope
they have got the message.

Post by Sylvain POURRE