Lightning support in Seamonkey?
(too old to reply)
Ian Dumych
2011-04-05 23:39:34 UTC
I've seen several blog posts trumpeting Lighting Calender support in
Seamonkey, but when I try to install it, it says it's not supported.
Most of the posts link to the mozilla plugin page saying it works, and
yet well, it doesn't. Can someone who has gotten this working please
enlighten me?

Barry Edwin Gilmour
2011-04-06 02:50:52 UTC
Ian, if you able to, please query the newsgroup:
Post by Ian Dumych
I've seen several blog posts trumpeting Lighting Calender support in
SeaMonkey, but when I try to install it, it says it's not supported.
Most of the posts link to the mozilla plugin page saying it works, and
yet well, it doesn't. Can someone who has gotten this working please
enlighten me?
Can any Win7 SeaMonkey-2.0 users help this guy?
Robert Kaiser wrote:
For SeaMonkey 2.0.x, you need to use version 1.0b1 - see
Robert Kaiser
2011-04-09 01:39:30 UTC
Post by Barry Edwin Gilmour

I was unable to find the above link in newsgroups. When I did a Google
search, I was told onscreen that this link is restricted,and not
available via my browser. Please tell me how I can find and subscribe to
that link.


Mort Linder
Post by Barry Edwin Gilmour
Post by Ian Dumych
I've seen several blog posts trumpeting Lighting Calender support in
SeaMonkey, but when I try to install it, it says it's not supported.
Most of the posts link to the mozilla plugin page saying it works, and
yet well, it doesn't. Can someone who has gotten this working please
enlighten me?
Can any Win7 SeaMonkey-2.0 users help this guy?
For SeaMonkey 2.0.x, you need to use version 1.0b1 - see
Robert Kaiser
Barry Edwin Gilmour
2011-04-09 03:42:49 UTC
Post by Mort
Post by Barry Edwin Gilmour
I was unable to find the above link in newsgroups. When I did a Google
search, I was told onscreen that this link is restricted,and not
available via my browser. Please tell me how I can find and subscribe
to that link.
Mort Linder
For SeaMonkey groups, this link explains their purpose:--


Sorry about that. (I copied/pasted without reading too closely). This is
where you want to get to.


In more detail:

From within the SeaMonkey-Mail & Newsgroups client window -
--> click-on Edit (open sub-menu)
--> click-on Mail & Newsgroups Account Settings
--> bottom-left of pop-up-Pane: click-on "Add Account" button
--> click-on "Newsgroup", click-on "Next" button
--> Enter Name, Enter email-address, click-on "Next" button
--> Enter name of newsgroups server "news.mozilla.org", click-on "Next"
--> Account Name "news.mozilla.org", click-on "Next" button
--> Verify your info, or click-on "Back" button to rectify; when
satisfied, click-on "Finish".

With luck, you should have a news.mozilla.org listed merging down at the
bottom of your messages folder pane, with a sub-folder for m.s.seamonkey.

There are hundreds of mozilla-groups on this server (news.mozilla.org):

If you are interested in accessing more Mozilla newsgroups, e.g.,

--> click-on the new folder-pane entry "news.mozilla.org" which should
open the "SeaMonkey News - news.mozilla.org" pane in the messaging window.
--> click-on "Manage newsgroup subscriptions" which should open the
"subscribe" popup pane.

After a bit of time to load, the (current Group List should show
something like

--> click-on the twistie to the left of "mozilla" to expand the menu
--> click-on the twistie to the left of "mozilla-support" to expand the
--> click-on "mozilla.support.calendar" marks checkbox for Lightning support
--> click-on the "OK" button

You should now see a new sub-folder named "m.s.calendar" in your
"news.mozilla.org" parent-folder.

HTH. Barry.
Post by Mort
Post by Barry Edwin Gilmour
Post by Ian Dumych
I've seen several blog posts trumpeting Lighting Calender support in
SeaMonkey, but when I try to install it, it says it's not supported.
Most of the posts link to the mozilla plugin page saying it works, and
yet well, it doesn't. Can someone who has gotten this working please
enlighten me?
Can any Win7 SeaMonkey-2.0 users help this guy?
For SeaMonkey 2.0.x, you need to use version 1.0b1 - see
Robert Kaiser
Barry Edwin Gilmour
2011-04-09 04:02:27 UTC
Post by Mort
Post by Barry Edwin Gilmour
I was unable to find the above link in newsgroups. When I did a Google
search, I was told onscreen that this link is restricted,and not
available via my browser. Please tell me how I can find and subscribe
to that link.
Mort Linder
For SeaMonkey groups, this link explains their purpose:--


Sorry about the previous post and the previous URI confusion. There may
be errors in this info also. This is where you want to get to:---


In more detail:

From within the SeaMonkey-Mail & Newsgroups client window -
--> click-on Edit (open sub-menu)
--> click-on Mail & Newsgroups Account Settings
--> bottom-left of pop-up-Pane: click-on "Add Account" button
--> click-on "Newsgroup", click-on "Next" button
--> Enter Name, Enter email-address, click-on "Next" button
--> Enter name of newsgroups server "news.mozilla.org", click-on "Next"
--> Account Name "news.mozilla.org", click-on "Next" button
--> Verify your info, or click-on "Back" button to rectify; when
satisfied, click-on "Finish".

With luck, you should have a "news.mozilla.org" folder/server emerging
down at the bottom of your messages folder pane.

There are hundreds of mozilla-groups on this server (news.mozilla.org):

To access Mozilla newsgroups, e.g., Support.SeaMonkey,
Lightning-calendar, etcetera:---

--> click-on the new folder-pane entry "news.mozilla.org" which should
open the "SeaMonkey News - news.mozilla.org" pane in the messaging window.
--> click-on "Manage newsgroup subscriptions" which should open the
"subscribe" popup pane.

After a bit of time to load, the (current Group List should show
something like

--> click-on the twistie to the left of "mozilla" to expand the menu
--> click-on the twistie to the left of "mozilla-support" to expand the

--> click-on "mozilla.support.seamonkey" marks checkbox for SeaMonkey
--> click-on "mozilla.support.calendar" marks checkbox for Lightning support
--> click-on the "OK" button

You should now see a new sub-folders named "m.s.seamonkey" and
"m.s.calendar" within your "news.mozilla.org" parent-folder.

(you may need to click-on the twistie to expand to see them).

Click on a sub folder to download the contents (a preference popup may
emerge). click on messages of interest and you are up and running.

HTH. Barry.
Post by Mort
Post by Barry Edwin Gilmour
Post by Ian Dumych
I've seen several blog posts trumpeting Lighting Calender support in
SeaMonkey, but when I try to install it, it says it's not supported.
Most of the posts link to the mozilla plugin page saying it works, and
yet well, it doesn't. Can someone who has gotten this working please
enlighten me?
Can any Win7 SeaMonkey-2.0 users help this guy?
For SeaMonkey 2.0.x, you need to use version 1.0b1 - see
Post by Mort
Post by Barry Edwin Gilmour
Robert Kaiser
2011-04-09 09:27:02 UTC
Post by Barry Edwin Gilmour
Sorry about the previous post and the previous URI confusion. There may
be errors in this info also. This is where you want to get to:---
When copy past news://news.mozilla.org/mozilla.support.seamonkey on the
address bar of the web browser (Seamonkey) it works, cliquing on news://
in mail or newsgroups is hazardous in Seamonkey :(


Quand on veut gouverner les hommes, il ne faut pas les chasser devant
soi ; il faut les faire suivre.
-+- Montesquieu, Mes pensées -+-