Kill File
(too old to reply)
2021-04-08 01:19:30 UTC
How does one kill file someone when using SeaMonkey news?

David E. Ross
2021-04-08 03:24:47 UTC
Post by JAS
How does one kill file someone when using SeaMonkey news?
If you want to kill an entire thread, just pess k on your keyboard.

If you want to eliminate a particular user, create a filter either
globally for the entire NNTP account or specifically for the newsgroup.
In the first input window, there are three inputs. The first is a
selection list; select From. Leave the second selection list as
Contains. Enter the offender's name or E-mail address in the third area
(which is NOT a selection list). Under "Perform these actions" in the
second input window, select "Mark As Read". (Do not bother with Delete
since only whoever submitted the message can delete it, and most NNTP
servers do not allow even submitters to delete their own messages.)
David E. Ross

If mozilla.support.seamonkey no longer works on
news.mozilla.org, please use alt.comp.software.seamonkey
and not netscape.public.mozilla.seamonkey.
Dirk Fieldhouse
2021-04-08 11:19:15 UTC
Post by David E. Ross
Post by JAS
How does one kill file someone when using SeaMonkey news?
If you want to kill an entire thread, just pess k on your keyboard.
If you want to eliminate a particular user, create a filter either
globally for the entire NNTP account or specifically for the newsgroup.
The menu item Message>Create Filter From Message... sets you up nicely
for the latter case.
Post by David E. Ross
... (Do not bother with Delete
since only whoever submitted the message can delete it, and most NNTP
servers do not allow even submitters to delete their own messages.)
However SM's newsreader seems to respect the Delete function, in that a
deleted post doesn't reappear (unless possibly you unsubscribe and
re-subscribe the group). In that respect it appears to act like "Kill
post". Otherwise you can set the filter to Ignore the whole thread in
which the target poster posted, or just the post's Subthread.

2021-04-08 13:07:57 UTC
Post by Dirk Fieldhouse
Post by David E. Ross
Post by JAS
How does one kill file someone when using SeaMonkey news?
If you want to kill an entire thread, just pess k on your keyboard.
If you want to eliminate a particular user, create a filter either
globally for the entire NNTP account or specifically for the newsgroup.
The menu item Message>Create Filter From Message... sets you up nicely
for the latter case.
Post by David E. Ross
...                      (Do not bother with Delete
since only whoever submitted the message can delete it, and most NNTP
servers do not allow even submitters to delete their own messages.)
However SM's newsreader seems to respect the Delete function, in that a
deleted post doesn't reappear (unless possibly you unsubscribe and
re-subscribe the group). In that respect it appears to act like "Kill
post". Otherwise you can set the filter to Ignore the whole thread in
which the target poster posted, or just the post's Subthread.
To the best of my knowledge, if you unsubscribe and resubscribe, the
deleted posts stay deleted. If you want them to arise from the dead
(zombies!) you need to:
- unsubscribe
- go to your Profile, subdirectory News, subdirectory [your name for the
server] and nuke the appropriate .msf file (I tend to rename it so I can
revive it if necessary)
- resubscribe

The .dat file appears to contain (not just) the Filter rules, the .htm
file is the Filter Log.

As to the server name, I used to use freenews.netfront.net for my
non-mozilla Newsgroups. When they went into meltdown I changed the
account info to reference aioe (and the label to "aioe News"). The
subdirectory still has the old name. It works, see if I care.
2021-04-08 14:27:54 UTC
Post by Andrew
Post by Dirk Fieldhouse
Post by David E. Ross
Post by JAS
How does one kill file someone when using SeaMonkey news?
If you want to kill an entire thread, just pess k on your keyboard.
If you want to eliminate a particular user, create a filter either
globally for the entire NNTP account or specifically for the newsgroup.
The menu item Message>Create Filter From Message... sets you up nicely
for the latter case.
Post by David E. Ross
...                      (Do not bother with Delete
since only whoever submitted the message can delete it, and most NNTP
servers do not allow even submitters to delete their own messages.)
However SM's newsreader seems to respect the Delete function, in that
a deleted post doesn't reappear (unless possibly you unsubscribe and
re-subscribe the group). In that respect it appears to act like "Kill
post". Otherwise you can set the filter to Ignore the whole thread in
which the target poster posted, or just the post's Subthread.
To the best of my knowledge, if you unsubscribe and resubscribe, the
deleted posts stay deleted.  If you want them to arise from the dead
- unsubscribe
- go to your Profile, subdirectory News, subdirectory [your name for the
server] and nuke the appropriate .msf file (I tend to rename it so I can
revive it if necessary)
- resubscribe
The .dat file appears to contain (not just) the Filter rules, the .htm
file is the Filter Log.
As to the server name, I used to use freenews.netfront.net for my
non-mozilla Newsgroups.  When they went into meltdown I changed the
account info to reference aioe (and the label to "aioe News").  The
subdirectory still has the old name.  It works, see if I care.
Thanks for all the information from everyone.

