Yet another disaster.
(too old to reply)
2011-09-28 12:38:17 UTC
I have just received a warning that my SeaMonkey 2.0.14 is out of date
and that 2.4 was available for download,

Good I had been waiting for the disaster of 2.3 to be corrected.

NO CHANCE. Instead all the same damned problems.

Here we go again. Now I have to be in bloody Administrator mode to do a
simple and basic bloody update. So I do that and...

My bookmarks all gone. I reloaded them and ALL the bookmark menu bar was
still missing.

I do not want to have to rebuild my system every time I do an minimal

It is getting to the point where by I am now considering abandoning
SeaMonkey all together.

2011-09-30 13:16:43 UTC
As FF goes tied to the tail of Google to get juicy revenue, dear old SeaMonkey has been, since the "new generation" took over the project, tied to the tail of FF to beg for some revenue inside the Mozzi Foundation Inc. ("Hey! yuppi, yuppi! come to our latest version of Sea Monkey, with the latest fades from Fire Fox-Google! What? independent development? Whaddya mean?!"). All for the glory of the better running of Google's cancerous-like growing omni-features online. And the user? "Oh, shut up, it is for free, isn't it? You just enjoy the ride, as we are the Illuminati who know what's better for you, Microsoft style". Once upon a time, dear children, believe it or not, there was something known as professional pride and a true and pure desire to do good in a land called Internete -even Googlezilla was then a kind ogre and made some good before it got Incorporated in the stock exchange-, till the plague of the Big Bussiness came in and ate all, and then in the land of Internet there was no more than Big Bussines poo.
Post by Dustbin
I have just received a warning that my SeaMonkey 2.0.14 is out of date
and that 2.4 was available for download,
Good I had been waiting for the disaster of 2.3 to be corrected.
NO CHANCE. Instead all the same damned problems.
Here we go again. Now I have to be in bloody Administrator mode to do a
simple and basic bloody update. So I do that and...
My bookmarks all gone. I reloaded them and ALL the bookmark menu bar was
still missing.
I do not want to have to rebuild my system every time I do an minimal
It is getting to the point where by I am now considering abandoning
SeaMonkey all together.
I have just received a warning that my SeaMonkey 2.0.14 is out of date
and that 2.4 was available for download,
Good I had been waiting for the disaster of 2.3 to be corrected.
NO CHANCE. Instead all the same damned problems.
Here we go again. Now I have to be in bloody Administrator mode to do a
simple and basic bloody update. So I do that and...
My bookmarks all gone. I reloaded them and ALL the bookmark menu bar was
still missing.
I do not want to have to rebuild my system every time I do an minimal
It is getting to the point where by I am now considering abandoning
SeaMonkey all together.
I have just received a warning that my SeaMonkey 2.0.14 is out of date
and that 2.4 was available for download,
Good I had been waiting for the disaster of 2.3 to be corrected.
NO CHANCE. Instead all the same damned problems.
Here we go again. Now I have to be in bloody Administrator mode to do a
simple and basic bloody update. So I do that and...
My bookmarks all gone. I reloaded them and ALL the bookmark menu bar was
still missing.
I do not want to have to rebuild my system every time I do an minimal
It is getting to the point where by I am now considering abandoning
SeaMonkey all together.
I have just received a warning that my SeaMonkey 2.0.14 is out of date
and that 2.4 was available for download,
Good I had been waiting for the disaster of 2.3 to be corrected.
NO CHANCE. Instead all the same damned problems.
Here we go again. Now I have to be in bloody Administrator mode to do a
simple and basic bloody update. So I do that and...
My bookmarks all gone. I reloaded them and ALL the bookmark menu bar was
still missing.
I do not want to have to rebuild my system every time I do an minimal
It is getting to the point where by I am now considering abandoning
SeaMonkey all together.
Robert Kaiser
2011-09-30 14:20:43 UTC
Post by australopitecus
Thankfully, most of the SeaMonkey team doesn't need to read the bullshit
you are spitting out here. We have moved over to saner newsgroups a long
time ago.

Robert Kaiser
Note that any statements of mine - no matter how passionate - are never
meant to be offensive but very often as food for thought or possible
arguments that we as a community should think about. And most of the
time, I even appreciate irony and fun! :)
2011-10-01 10:37:32 UTC
Post by Robert Kaiser
Post by australopitecus
Thankfully, most of the SeaMonkey team doesn't need to read the bullshit
you are spitting out here. We have moved over to saner newsgroups a long
time ago.
If it isa so much BS then why is it that I do not get my bookmarks
loaded when I upgrade. And even when I reload them from a file the
bookmark toolbar remains empty of all but the default stuff that comes
with the programme. As I say above - I don't want to have to rebuild my
system every time I do an update.

And I have just had an update notification from FF (to 7.0.1) - and now
I am expected to enter administrator level for that too now. I am
thinking of giving up on FireFox too. These are only browsers. They
should not need Admin level installation unless you are doing things I
am likely not to want.

Also I dislike the way FireFox presumes to bypass my firewall granting
itself the right to both access the Internet without my permission and
to even serve as a server. My system should never function as a server -
I have sensitive personal information on here.

Philip Chee
2011-10-01 11:31:30 UTC
Post by Robert Kaiser
Post by australopitecus
Thankfully, most of the SeaMonkey team doesn't need to read the bullshit
you are spitting out here. We have moved over to saner newsgroups a long
You haven't looked at mozilla.general I can tell.
Post by Robert Kaiser
time ago.
Robert Kaiser
Philip Chee <***@aleytys.pc.my>, <***@gmail.com>
http://flashblock.mozdev.org/ http://xsidebar.mozdev.org
Guard us from the she-wolf and the wolf, and guard us from the thief,
oh Night, and so be good for us to pass.
2011-10-01 10:29:58 UTC
Post by australopitecus
As FF goes tied to the tail of Google to get juicy revenue, dear old SeaMonkey has been, since the "new generation" took over the project, tied to the tail of FF to beg for some revenue inside the Mozzi Foundation Inc. ("Hey! yuppi, yuppi! come to our latest version of Sea Monkey, with the latest fades from Fire Fox-Google! What? independent development? Whaddya mean?!"). All for the glory of the better running of Google's cancerous-like growing omni-features online. And the user? "Oh, shut up, it is for free, isn't it? You just enjoy the ride, as we are the Illuminati who know what's better for you, Microsoft style". Once upon a time, dear children, believe it or not, there was something known as professional pride and a true and pure desire to do good in a land called Internete -even Googlezilla was then a kind ogre and made some good before it got Incorporated in the stock exchange-, till the plague of the Big Bussiness came in and ate all, and then in the land of Int
ernet there was no more than Big Bussines poo.

Too right. People don't believe that the internet used to be a crazy
off-the-wall free-for-all that was all but built by people doing it for
nothing and just 'cus they thought it was pretty okay thing to do. The
worst thing to happen to the internet was ".com"

It should be withdrawn as a TLD and as an operation; no commerce on the
net bar a modest fee for (ISP) access.

Post by australopitecus
Post by Dustbin
I have just received a warning that my SeaMonkey 2.0.14 is out of date
and that 2.4 was available for download,
Good I had been waiting for the disaster of 2.3 to be corrected.
NO CHANCE. Instead all the same damned problems.
Here we go again. Now I have to be in bloody Administrator mode to do a
simple and basic bloody update. So I do that and...
My bookmarks all gone. I reloaded them and ALL the bookmark menu bar was
still missing.
I do not want to have to rebuild my system every time I do an minimal
It is getting to the point where by I am now considering abandoning
SeaMonkey all together.
I have just received a warning that my SeaMonkey 2.0.14 is out of date
and that 2.4 was available for download,
Good I had been waiting for the disaster of 2.3 to be corrected.
NO CHANCE. Instead all the same damned problems.
Here we go again. Now I have to be in bloody Administrator mode to do a
simple and basic bloody update. So I do that and...
My bookmarks all gone. I reloaded them and ALL the bookmark menu bar was
still missing.
I do not want to have to rebuild my system every time I do an minimal
It is getting to the point where by I am now considering abandoning
SeaMonkey all together.
I have just received a warning that my SeaMonkey 2.0.14 is out of date
and that 2.4 was available for download,
Good I had been waiting for the disaster of 2.3 to be corrected.
NO CHANCE. Instead all the same damned problems.
Here we go again. Now I have to be in bloody Administrator mode to do a
simple and basic bloody update. So I do that and...
My bookmarks all gone. I reloaded them and ALL the bookmark menu bar was
still missing.
I do not want to have to rebuild my system every time I do an minimal
It is getting to the point where by I am now considering abandoning
SeaMonkey all together.
I have just received a warning that my SeaMonkey 2.0.14 is out of date
and that 2.4 was available for download,
Good I had been waiting for the disaster of 2.3 to be corrected.
NO CHANCE. Instead all the same damned problems.
Here we go again. Now I have to be in bloody Administrator mode to do a
simple and basic bloody update. So I do that and...
My bookmarks all gone. I reloaded them and ALL the bookmark menu bar was
still missing.
I do not want to have to rebuild my system every time I do an minimal
It is getting to the point where by I am now considering abandoning
SeaMonkey all together.