Problem adding a new newsgroup account on SM 2.53.7
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Andrés Hamerlinck Grau
2021-07-03 16:59:07 UTC
I can't add a new newsgroup account on the profile I normally use.

I don't want to delete the old newsgroup account on news.mozilla.com .

On a fresh new profile I can add the first and only one without problem.
e.g. nntp.aioe.org

I'm not very enthusiast with create a new profile and copy the folders
of the old profile to the new one .

How can I spot the in about:config the parameter that impedes me to add
a second newsgroup account ?
2021-07-04 09:06:14 UTC
Post by Andrés Hamerlinck Grau
I can't add a new newsgroup account on the profile I normally use.
I don't want to delete the old newsgroup account on news.mozilla.com .
On a fresh new profile I can add the first and only one without problem.
e.g. nntp.aioe.org
I'm not very enthusiast with create a new profile and copy the folders
of the old profile to the new one .
How can I spot the in about:config the parameter that impedes me to add
a second newsgroup account ?
This is the first I've heard of this, Andres.

SeaMonkey has, for a long time, had a slight problem in adding
additional Mail accounts after a News Account had been added, but this
is the first time I've read of someone having problems adding additional
accounts. I have three newsgroup accounts myself.

Additional, this newsgroup has been fairly dead for several years. The
only reason I'm here is I'm busy reading the historical posts from 10 -
15 years ago!

If you want to get a greater response to your question, I would suggest
you post your question to the alt.comp.software.seamonkey newsgroup on
many/most UseNet servers!!

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