news.mozilla.org seems to be gone. :(
(too old to reply)
2021-04-05 20:17:26 UTC
"When many work together for a goal, great things may be accomplished.
It is said a lion cub was killed by a single colony of ants." --Saskya
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this signature correctly.
/\___/\ http://aqfl.net & http://antfarm.home.dhs.org
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| |o o| | Axe ANT from its address if shown & e-mailing privately.
\ _ / Please kindly use Ant nickname & URL/link if crediting.
( )
Ralph Fox
2021-04-06 07:49:32 UTC
I can still retrieve headers and messages from news.mozilla.org.

I see new messages posted half an hour ago on news.mozilla.org, 13 hours after your post.

Just not new messages in those groups where posts are passed through the listserv before
they appear in the group.

The announcement said this:

lists.mozilla.org: April 3
news.mozilla.org: Sometime after April 3
Kind regards

2021-04-06 08:09:54 UTC
Post by Ralph Fox
I can still retrieve headers and messages from news.mozilla.org.
I see new messages posted half an hour ago on news.mozilla.org, 13 hours after your post.
Just not new messages in those groups where posts are passed through the listserv before
they appear in the group.
lists.mozilla.org: April 3
news.mozilla.org: Sometime after April 3
Interesting. I wonder why I still can't connect to the news.mozilla.org
usenet server anymore as of yesterday. All other usenet servers connect
fine. :(
"Stan, are you OK?" --Francine; "Yeah. Hey, you look like ants from down
here. Wait, wait, those are just ants on my eyes..." --Stan from
American Dad's S3E15 (Stanny Slickers 2: The Legend of Ollie's Gold)
deleted scene
Note: A fixed width font (Courier, Monospace, etc.) is required to see
this signature correctly.
/\___/\ http://aqfl.net & http://antfarm.home.dhs.org
/ /\ /\ \
| |o o| | Axe ANT from its address if shown & e-mailing privately.
\ _ / Please kindly use Ant nickname & URL/link if crediting.
( )
2021-04-06 08:12:49 UTC
On 4/6/2021 1:09 AM, Ant wrote:
Post by Ant
Interesting. I wonder why I still can't connect to the news.mozilla.org
usenet server anymore as of yesterday. All other usenet servers connect
fine. :(
I can ping news.mozilla.org server too. Huh? Why can't I connect like
before yesterday? Argh.
"Is this stuff any good for ants?" "No, it kills them." --unknown
Note: A fixed width font (Courier, Monospace, etc.) is required to see
this signature correctly.
/\___/\ http://aqfl.net & http://antfarm.home.dhs.org
/ /\ /\ \
| |o o| | Axe ANT from its address if shown & e-mailing privately.
\ _ / Please kindly use Ant nickname & URL/link if crediting.
( )
2021-04-06 09:23:45 UTC
Post by Ant
Post by Ant
Interesting. I wonder why I still can't connect to the
news.mozilla.org usenet server anymore as of yesterday. All other
usenet servers connect fine. :(
I can ping news.mozilla.org server too. Huh? Why can't I connect like
before yesterday? Argh.
I can access it.
There are new postings there, the most recent one is not even 5 minutes old.
๐Ÿด Mr. Ed ๐Ÿด
2021-04-06 11:05:59 UTC
Post by Andrew
Post by Ant
Interesting. I wonder why I still can't connect to the news.mozilla.org
usenet server anymore as of yesterday. All other usenet servers connect
fine. :(
I can ping news.mozilla.org server too. Huh? Why can't I connect like before
yesterday? Argh.
I can access it.
There are new postings there, the most recent one is not even 5 minutes old.
Was this a cruel April Fool's Joke?
"This is America! You can't make a horse
testify against himself!" -Mister Ed
2021-04-06 15:45:05 UTC
Post by รฐยŸยยด Mr. Ed รฐยŸยยด
Post by Andrew
Post by Ant
Interesting. I wonder why I still can't connect to the news.mozilla.org
usenet server anymore as of yesterday. All other usenet servers connect
fine. :(
I can ping news.mozilla.org server too. Huh? Why can't I connect like before
yesterday? Argh.
I can access it.
There are new postings there, the most recent one is not even 5 minutes old.
Was this a cruel April Fool's Joke?
Short answer: no.

Longer answer:
- the server is going to go.
- the netscape.* groups such as this one will survive this termination.
- the "mozilla.*.firefox" groups on that server have apparently already
been made read-only, that may well also apply to the thunderbird
- since the Firefox people like to forget that Seamonkey ever existed,
they left "our" groups alone - along with some other "irrelevant" ones.
- see point 1 - the server is still going to go, soon, no-one has said
when. I'm expecting it to simply go unavailable in a day or a week or
Rob Steinmetz
2021-04-06 21:11:12 UTC
Post by Andrew
- the server is going to go.
- the netscape.* groups such as this one will survive this termination.
- the "mozilla.*.firefox" groups on that server have apparently already
been made read-only, that may well also apply to the thunderbird
- since the Firefox people like to forget that Seamonkey ever existed,
they left "our" groups alone - along with some other "irrelevant" ones.
- see point 1 - the server is still going to go, soon, no-one has said
when.ย  I'm expecting it to simply go unavailable in a day or a week or
Are we sure the netscape groups will survive?
As far as I can tell it's the same server as the mozilla groups and also
run by giganews.
Don Spam's Reckless Son
2021-04-07 10:53:14 UTC
Post by Rob Steinmetz
Post by Andrew
- the server is going to go.
- the netscape.* groups such as this one will survive this termination.
- the "mozilla.*.firefox" groups on that server have apparently
already been made read-only, that may well also apply to the
thunderbird equivalents.
- since the Firefox people like to forget that Seamonkey ever existed,
they left "our" groups alone - along with some other "irrelevant" ones.
- see point 1 - the server is still going to go, soon, no-one has said
when.ย  I'm expecting it to simply go unavailable in a day or a week or
Are we sure the netscape groups will survive?
As far as I can tell it's the same server as the mozilla groups and also
run by giganews.
That's what I thought, but look at the posts by Ralph Fox in the thread
"Is this a longterm viable USNET group?" above.
There are definitely differences between the mozilla.* and the
netscape.* groups on this server, you can post to the netscape ones
directly from services such as aioe whilst the mozilla ones are
read-only there.
spammo ergo sum, viruses courtesy of https://www.nsa.gov/malware/
Rob Steinmetz
2021-04-07 13:39:09 UTC
I guess we'll see whenever the mozilla server actually disappears.

I have giganews through another account and can see both the netscape
and mozilla groups. I can't post to the mozilla groups there but the
netscape groups are marked public and I can post.
Andy Burns
2021-04-07 16:54:59 UTC
Post by Rob Steinmetz
I have giganews through another account and can see both the netscape
and mozilla groups.
I've requested the new alt.comp groups on giganews, they claim they have
already done it, but they haven't, so it's with their 2nd level tech
now, a bit off considering I sent the control messages via their servers ...
2021-04-10 20:55:22 UTC
Interesting. I can't connect to news.mozilla.org with its 563 TLS/SSL
port, but can with its unsecured 119 port. Weird/Odd. I wonder what's up.
<1 wk. 2 get Moderna shot #2.
Note: A fixed width font (Courier, Monospace, etc.) is required to see
this signature correctly.
/\___/\ http://aqfl.net & http://antfarm.home.dhs.org
/ /\ /\ \
| |o o| | Axe ANT from its address if shown & e-mailing privately.
\ _ / Please kindly use Ant nickname & URL/link if crediting.
( )
2021-04-11 00:09:37 UTC
Post by Ant
Interesting. I can't connect to news.mozilla.org with its 563 TLS/SSL
port, but can with its unsecured 119 port. Weird/Odd. I wonder what's up.
Who cares?

I've always used port 119
OS: Fedora 33 Workstation - Gnome Desktop
2021-04-11 00:56:12 UTC
Post by WaltS48
Post by Ant
Interesting. I can't connect to news.mozilla.org with its 563 TLS/SSL
port, but can with its unsecured 119 port. Weird/Odd. I wonder what's up.
Who cares?
I've always used port 119
I do for security.
<1 wk. 2 get Moderna shot #2.
Note: A fixed width font (Courier, Monospace, etc.) is required to see this signature correctly.
/\___/\ Ant(Dude) @ http://aqfl.net & http://antfarm.home.dhs.org.
/ /\ /\ \ Please nuke ANT if replying by e-mail.
| |o o| |
\ _ /
( )
2021-04-12 15:20:13 UTC
Post by WaltS48
Interesting. I can't connect to news.mozilla.org with its 563 TLS/SSL port, but can with its unsecured 119 port. Weird/Odd. I wonder what's up.
Who cares?
I've always used port 119
Me too.

Ralph Fox
2021-04-11 03:52:39 UTC
Post by Ant
Interesting. I can't connect to news.mozilla.org with its 563 TLS/SSL
port, but can with its unsecured 119 port. Weird/Odd. I wonder what's up.
FWIW the Mozilla news server news.mozilla.org used only to support non-SSL access.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ QUOTE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
If non-SSL access is the default method, will SSL access still be

Currently, SSL access is not planned, as no-one has given a good
reason to have it. IMO, it's only useful for e.g. spam reduction
if it's the only access method - and that's not true in this case.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ QUOTE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Kind regards
Don Spam's Reckless Son
2021-04-12 11:57:45 UTC
Post by Ralph Fox
Post by Ant
Interesting. I can't connect to news.mozilla.org with its 563 TLS/SSL
port, but can with its unsecured 119 port. Weird/Odd. I wonder what's up.
FWIW the Mozilla news server news.mozilla.org used only to support non-SSL access.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ QUOTE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
If non-SSL access is the default method, will SSL access still be
Currently, SSL access is not planned, as no-one has given a good
reason to have it. IMO, it's only useful for e.g. spam reduction
if it's the only access method - and that's not true in this case.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ QUOTE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Not to mention: Nothing here is validated - see my oh-so-valid email
address - and all postings are visible to anyone who looks at the
newsgroup(s). Encryption under these circumstances is utterly pointless.
spammo ergo sum, viruses courtesy of https://www.nsa.gov/malware/