SeaMonkey 2.1 Beta 2 Introduces New Features
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Justin Wood (Callek)
2011-02-15 04:44:49 UTC
SeaMonkey 2.1 Beta 2 is available for free download now in 15 languages
and makes a huge list of new functionality available to a wider testing
audience for the first time.
Please note that this pre-release version is still intended for testers
only and might still show some problems in everyday use. As always, we
appreciate any feedback you may have and encourage users to help us by
filing bugs.

In addition to the changes in the alpha releases, and our first beta
release, this version features the following new improvements:
- The new Data Manager is opened instead of the previous separate
management windows.
- Sync (f.k.a. Weave) is now included directly in SeaMonkey. Sync
allows you to keep your browsing history, passwords, bookmarks,
preferences and tabs in sync across different devices (computers) in a
secure way.
- The new DoNotTrack HTTP header can be configured in Preferences,
Privacy & Security
- Lightweight themes (Personas) support for the Address Book,
Composer, and MailNews windows.
- Much improved startup speed.
- WebGL and D3D are now enabled where supported
- ...many more (see the release notes [link at bottom])

We welcome any and all discussions on this beta on our newsgroups, or
you can even file a bug if you find one. Be sure to check our Known
Issues prior to filing bugs.

SeaMonkey 2.1 Beta 2 is available for free download from
www.seamonkey-project.org. Once you have downloaded and installed this
release, we'd like to encourage you to get involved in discussing and
reporting problems as well as further improving the product.

Thanks for testing and helping us to make SeaMonkey even better!

Full news article:

Downloads for all available platforms:

Release notes, including Known Issues section:

System Requirements:

Justin Wood (Callek)
SeaMonkey project coordinator
Paul B. Gallagher
2011-02-15 07:58:41 UTC
Justin Wood (Callek) wrote:

Post by Justin Wood (Callek)
Evidently you meant to link:
War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher