Lost Menu Bars on SeaMonkey - Both Browser and Mail
(too old to reply)
Jeff Wisnia
2018-04-24 18:09:01 UTC
How do I get the menu bars back?

Jeffry Wisnia
(W1BSV + Brass Rat '57 EE)
The speed of light is 1.8*10^12 furlongs per fortnight.
2018-04-26 01:18:16 UTC
Post by Jeff Wisnia
How do I get the menu bars back?
Two possibilities. Your menu bars are either minimized or hidden.

From Seamonkey Help:


If minimized:

To minimize a toolbar:

Click the small triangle at the left of the toolbar. To show the toolbar, click
the triangle again. (Note: You cannot hide the Component Bar using this method.)

[This presumes you find an extra triangle on the left.]


If hidden:

To completely hide a toolbar, including its triangle:

Open the View menu.
Choose Show/Hide and uncheck the toolbars you want to hide.

To reverse this action, open the View menu, choose Show/Hide, and then select the
toolbars you want to show. You can also right-click on an empty section on the Menu
Bar, Navigation Toolbar or Bookmarks Toolbar to turn toolbars on and off.

[Note the last 2 sentences!]
Jeff Wisnia
2018-04-26 18:18:50 UTC
Thanks. I fiddled around shortly after I posted here and found that the
menu bars were "hidden". I "unhid" them and "Bob's your uncle."

Jeffry Wisnia
(W1BSV + Brass Rat '57 EE)
The speed of light is 1.8*10^12 furlongs per fortnight.
Post by cmcadams
Post by Jeff Wisnia
How do I get the menu bars back?
Two possibilities. Your menu bars are either minimized or hidden.
Click the small triangle at the left of the toolbar. To show the
toolbar, click the triangle again. (Note: You cannot hide the Component
Bar using this method.)
[This presumes you find an extra triangle on the left.]
Open the View menu.
Choose Show/Hide and uncheck the toolbars you want to hide.
To reverse this action, open the View menu, choose Show/Hide, and then
select the toolbars you want to show. You can also right-click on an
empty section on the Menu Bar, Navigation Toolbar or Bookmarks Toolbar
to turn toolbars on and off.
[Note the last 2 sentences!]
2018-04-27 04:19:52 UTC
Thanks. I fiddled around shortly after I posted here and found that the menu bars
were "hidden". I "unhid" them and "Bob's your uncle."
Good going. At least I learned something new.
