Using IMAP with SM
(too old to reply)
2011-06-01 12:39:03 UTC
Using SM 2.0.14 on a WinXP box.

I've come to want to use IMAP rather than POP as my e-mail protocol. It
seems to accomplish a lot more than POP does for my purposes.

I played with Windows Live Mail for a few days. Hopelessly slow. But
it allowed me to use the address book from my gmail account directly,
rather than using the local address book. I'd love to be able to do
this with SM.

I can't figure out how to set this up. Everything else is working fine.
How can I get SM to pull addresses, and add addresses, directly to the
gmail server, rather than to my local address books. Is this even possible?

Jeffrey Needle
Ralph Fox
2011-06-02 18:49:21 UTC
Post by jeffneedle
Using SM 2.0.14 on a WinXP box.
I've come to want to use IMAP rather than POP as my e-mail protocol. It
seems to accomplish a lot more than POP does for my purposes.
I played with Windows Live Mail for a few days. Hopelessly slow. But
it allowed me to use the address book from my gmail account directly,
rather than using the local address book. I'd love to be able to do
this with SM.
I can't figure out how to set this up. Everything else is working fine.
How can I get SM to pull addresses, and add addresses, directly to the
gmail server, rather than to my local address books. Is this even possible?
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