Suddenly can't access site with SeaMonkey
(too old to reply)
2011-10-04 04:48:32 UTC
We have paid our electric bill online for several years. Lately, we can't log
in. It's not accepting the password. We've been in contact with the electric
company and they don't seem to have a clue as to what the problem is. They've
tried resretting the password and we still can't log in. I'm using SeaMonkey
2.0.14. I refuse to upgrade since the last upgrade I did screwed up everything,
so I went back to 2.0.14.

Today, just on a hunch, I tried accessing the electric company site using
Internet Explorer and Google Chrome, neither of which I use, but I had them on
my computer. Both browsers let me access the site.

What could have happened with SeaMonkey that is now not allowing me access? It's
the same version of SeaMonkey that we've used to access the site for quite a
long time. Any ideas? Thanks.
2011-10-04 12:24:59 UTC
Post by r***@optonline.net
We have paid our electric bill online for several years. Lately, we can't log
in. It's not accepting the password. We've been in contact with the electric
company and they don't seem to have a clue as to what the problem is. They've
tried resretting the password and we still can't log in. I'm using SeaMonkey
2.0.14. I refuse to upgrade since the last upgrade I did screwed up everything,
so I went back to 2.0.14.
Today, just on a hunch, I tried accessing the electric company site using
Internet Explorer and Google Chrome, neither of which I use, but I had them on
my computer. Both browsers let me access the site.
What could have happened with SeaMonkey that is now not allowing me access? It's
the same version of SeaMonkey that we've used to access the site for quite a
long time. Any ideas? Thanks.
So I am not the only one having problems with SeaMonkey in its most
recent guises.

Yet those of us who complain about these changes - that seem to have
little value - are ignored.

Robert Kaiser
2011-10-04 16:02:21 UTC
Post by r***@optonline.net
I refuse to upgrade since the last upgrade I did screwed up everything,
so I went back to 2.0.14.
Then don't be surprised that things stopped working. This version has
tons of security problems and has not been supported by anyone for quite
some time now.

Robert Kaiser
Note that any statements of mine - no matter how passionate - are never
meant to be offensive but very often as food for thought or possible
arguments that we as a community should think about. And most of the
time, I even appreciate irony and fun! :)
2011-10-05 07:55:34 UTC
Post by Robert Kaiser
Post by r***@optonline.net
I refuse to upgrade since the last upgrade I did screwed up everything,
so I went back to 2.0.14.
Then don't be surprised that things stopped working. This version has
tons of security problems and has not been supported by anyone for quite
some time now.
Its the last working version. That is why I am still using it. I am
waiting for a version that does not screw up my system and lose my
settings and bookmarks. Also the newer versions do not display the
bookmarks window the same way.

None of this has anything to do with security issues. This is to do with
presentation; how the data is presented.

Post by Robert Kaiser
Robert Kaiser
2011-10-06 13:14:09 UTC
If you export your bookmarks. you can still access them as a local
html file.
not easy but it there in the long page somewhere. so all is not lost.
if you don't back up then your lost anyway.
_ I do wish I had read about the upgrade first, before just blindly
trusting it not to do major changes. my bad...
2011-10-06 15:03:16 UTC
Post by Semky
If you export your bookmarks. you can still access them as a local
html file.
not easy but it there in the long page somewhere. so all is not lost.
if you don't back up then your lost anyway.
_ I do wish I had read about the upgrade first, before just blindly
trusting it not to do major changes. my bad...
I have done that. I still do not get the bookmark toolbar back.
